Noise Canceling App Mac

Noise cancelling app android

Windows 10 Noise Cancelling App

Noise Canceling App MacWindows 10 noise cancelling app

While noise cancelling headphones, and other noise cancelling devices will help YOU to work better, when it comes to making calls with others from your PC or Mac, it usually means having to find a quiet room in the house without any background noise for your microphone so that THEY can hear YOU clearly.

Noise Cancelling App For Pc

At the Apple Store I tried on some Bose noise-cancelling headphones. They were the kind which have miniature microphones on the outside of each headphone. They weren't 'cup-style' phones which surround the ear, but smallish headphones which just rested lightly on each ear. They were effective in getting rid of noise, but very expensive.
These headphones work by reversing the sound-wave.
Now, my apartment is very noisy because of the traffic outside. Is there a mac app (or music app filter?) which could make my apartment quieter? I guess the set-up would involve a couple of mics pointing towards the source of the noise, with speakers pointing into the room. The computer would do the reversing.
(will post in Audio/Visual Club too)