Upright Go Mac App

App Store purchases are safe and simple, so you can start playing, gaming, reading — or just doing — straight away. Create a secure account with your preferred payment method on file and it’s easily accessible across your devices and the web. If you’ve heard the phrase, “Once you go Mac, you never go back,” you know it holds true. Macs are premium devices with amazing features, awesome apps, and top-notch desktop programs.

Take the Miro touch screen experience to the
Surface Hub to work more effectively together
in team meetings.
Add ideas, digitize sticky notes, and leave
comments on the go. Available for iOS,
Android or Windows.
Add ideas, digitize sticky notes, and leave
comments on the go. Available for iOS,
Android or Windows.
Windows 64-bit
Launch Miro app in seconds right from
your home screen, and work on boards
without distraction.
Upright go mac app free
Take the Miro touch screen experience to the
Surface Hub to work more effectively together
in team meetings.
Add ideas, digitize sticky notes, and leave
comments on the go. Available for iOS,
Android or Windows.
Add ideas, digitize sticky notes, and leave
comments on the go. Available for iOS,
Android or Windows.
Windows 64-bit
Launch Miro app in seconds right from
your home screen, and work on boards
without distraction.
Open full version of the website to download apps for Mac, Windows or Surface Hub.

Upright Go Mac App Free


Upright Go Mac App Installer

Access and review your boards, digitize
physical sticky notes, and more.